”Improving the quality of patients’ life though innovation”

Pro Vinci Our mission

The Problem

Each keyhole surgery in the abdomen starts with the Pneumeroperitonium. This is a hole from the outside to the inside of the abdominal wall. This is necessary for the surgeon to add CO2 to the abdomen to create space between the abdominal wall and the underlying organs. This is done to improve visibility and safety for the instruments. If the needle is inserted too deep it may cause injuries such as bowel perforation or vascular damage, which are life threatening. This is especially difficult in patients with high Body Mass Index (BMI). In a 2010 national survey of keyhole access techniques in Canadian general surgical practice, 57% of respondents had experienced or seen a serious laparoscopic access complication.

The solution

We have developed the Veress PLUS. A new version of the Veress Needle on which we have been working on for years. The Veress PLUS has an innovative design that reduces overshooting by 60% after puncturing the abdominal wall. Click here for more information of the Veress PLUS.